Desi Arnaz used to say this to Lucille Ball all the time on the “I Love Lucy” show. As we get older, we start to question the natural order of things, such as:
- Was all that time learning cursive really necessary?
- Does Google Maps really need to start at my house? How about from a spot I do not know as Step 1.
- How many times should one say “What?” before giving up on understanding another?
- Just exactly how am I supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
- Why cannot companies agree to make one format of something so I do not have to debate VHS or Beta; Blu-Ray or regular; Word or WordPerfect?
- Why can’t I remember when I was not a little bit tired?
- Instead of “Friends with Benefits”, should we start looking for “Friends with Insurance Benefits”?
- Was there some class for women only where they were told you need lots of pillows in your house, on your beds, and on your chairs?
- While treading in the Danger Zone, was there also a shoe shopping class?
- If I had invested $1,000 in 1979, I would have had $$. But as my friend used to say: “I did not have $1,000 in 1979”, so why tell me that?
- Why doesn’t Victoria’s Secret sell a flannel line of the exact same products? Wouldn’t you think there would be a great cold weather market for these?
- Why do we still bother with pennies?
Now, I do not care what you say, that is some deep thinking from the small room in the house. You know that you too have a lot of similar questions to ask, but only discuss them with the voices in your head.