The medieval town of Bruges, Belgium has been brewing beer in the town for five centuries. To keep lots of beer trucks out of the town’s old cobblestone alleys (like 500 trucks or 85% of the town’s truck traffic) they have decided to build an underground pipeline from the De Halve main brewery out to an industrial park where they will now bottle and ship the beer.
You know there are guys there already trying to figure a way to tap into the new line. Just like the cable TV drops, someone will figure a way. What fun when a pipe breaks and there is beer spraying out of an eight-foot hole.
The beauty of humor, and using an electronic column, is that I do not need to follow 10th grade English teacher Zella Bishop’s training about structure or transition. So, I can next actually ask you if you celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I don’t know why they celebrate it, but lots of people have a great time with the swagger. A radio jock called it a “whimsical alternative” to serious and depressing things. In other words, the silliness of it is the best feature and there really is no point being made.
At Black Bart’s Locker you can gather an entire dictionary of pirate terms. Amaze your friends and family with your new language skills, you laddies and beauties. They even have German and Dutch translations of all the useful lingo.
I am sure there is an App for that. With new Smartphones out now, a company called Athos is selling a "Smartass" line of workout clothes. There are sensors built into the compression shorts that measure electrical impulses in your butt and thighs with data to your Smartphone App measuring your physical activity. I wonder what my underdrawers are sending out now as I am sitting in my chair drinking a non-pipeline beer. Well, so much for that “smart clothing” business.